Naringin dihydrochalcone
NAMENaringin dihydrochalcone  
Product name:Naringin dihydrochalcone
Herb Source:Grapefruit
Synonyms:Senior saccharin
Molecular Formula and Molecular Weight:C27H34O14;582.56
Melting Point:131-132℃
Solubility:dissolve in hot water ,UV max: ( MeOH): 225,287 nm
Structural Class:flavanone glucoside
Appearance:white powder crystal
As a new-style sweetening agent, naringin dihydrochalcone(naringin DC) is 500-700 times sweeter than sucrose. Due to its many advantages like high sweet taste, low caloric, innocuity and safety, it can be used in edible, medicine and commodity trade. And because it tastes cleanlily, has long aftertaste and special faint scent and owns fine virtue of shielding bitterness, naringin DC is in particular used for milky goods, fattiness and grease, freezed foodstuff, machining vegetable, jelly, comfiture, nonalcohol beverage, chewing gum, toothpaste and troche. Besides, it can substitute sugar for decreasing body absorption to sugar. It is really a evangel for fat person and patients who can not eat sugar.
Storage: Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation
Shelf life: 2 year when properly stored.
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