Rosa Centifolia Extract
NAMERosa Centifolia Extract  
Category:Ratio herbal extract

Product name: Rosa Centifolia Extract

Latin name: Rosa centifolia L.

Part Used: Leaf & Flower


Appearance: Brown Yellow fine powder

Test Method:TLC

Brand:Yongyuan Bio.

Description: France Chiba rose, "Chinese Flora" called: Rosaceae (scientific name: Rosa centifolia L.), is a spiny shrub, many horticultural varieties, Chinese introduction and cultivation of 4 species, ornamental and aromatic extract oil.

Function: Root and leaf can help for pain convergence. Root and fruit help for promoting blood circulation, dredging collaterals, convergence. It is used for joint pain, facial paralysis, hypertension, hemiplegia and scalds. Flowers (Qiang Weihua) can clear heat, remove dampness and turbidity, smooth the stomach. For the heat chest, thirst, vomiting, poor appetite, aphtha.

Application: Commonly used as cosmetic raw materials, double phospholipid membrane of plant cells is equivalent to the natural protective film of active substances, which is easier to make the active substance absorbed by the skin. This plant cell activity has been used by international brands such as Lancome, Guerlain, Dior, Chanel and other products as the core propaganda points of their products!

Storage: Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation

Shelf life: 2 year when properly stored.


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